Thursday, November 13, 2014

Hockey and the sauna??

Hockey and sauna are not an automatic pairing in my mind — or weren’t until I read a story in the sports section of a recent St. Cloud Times. St. Cloud State University’s team roster now includes four Finnish hockey players: Rasmus Reijola, Kalle Kossila, Niklas Nevalainen and Mika Ivonen. What music to read their names!

The story notes that a sauna was newly constructed for the Finnish players near the team’s shower area. Wow! Was that a deal-breaker — no sauna, no play? Wonder how it compares to saunas they’re familiar with, how often they enjoy a steam ... 

A photo on an inside page shows them relaxing in the sauna, in their shorts and jerseys and holding hockey sticks — unusual sauna attire. No wonder they’re grinning!

The other players are beginning to learn about sauna customs — which doesn’t indicate that any have been brave enough to give it a try. According to the story, whose music is played in the locker room is a more important debate.

Inquiring minds need to know, so I checked their game schedule — they’re on ice through mid-April. Maybe I won't get a chance to speak with them.

So I wish them many goals and assists, and even more steams.

Read the entire story in the St. Cloud Times, Oct. 9, 2014: “Four Finns heat up the Huskies roster as opener looms”


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