Sunday, January 11, 2015

Proven evidence for the benefits of sauna

#1: Is sauna a miracle treatment?

While researching, I found Ken Swearengen had worked on the same topic — reported Jan 20, 2014, at

He said: “Turns out there is a good amount of evidence to support the positive benefits of sauna use. Now, I won't delve into 'sweating out toxins' or other holistic mumbo-jumbo here, which is hard to scientifically measure and for which no studies are available. No, Im talking about evidenced benefits like:
Swearengen footnoted the studies; I included the references on the same line, with the journal name and date. (I tried to link them but they don't look the usual way. Then I ran out of time.) He located impressive evidence of the health aspects of sauna. 

After reading each of those studies, I then looked for more. There were so many I need to make it a separate post. Coming next...


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